Protect Your Brain from Alzheimer’s disease

Surveys have shown that there is something that Americans fear more than death.  It is Alzheimer’s disease.  For most of us, losing our personhood–those characteristics which makes us who we are–is a fate worse than death. What is Alzheimer’s?...

Minimum Effective Dosage: Train Smarter Not Harder

There are few things as exciting as new boot campers eager to make serious lifestyle changes and make up for lost time in their quest to get fit and healthy.  Their motivation and passion are contagious, and watching transformations is one of the most fulfilling...

Be Smart about Gluten-Free Foods

Are you going gluten-free?  If so, you are in good company.  Many Americans are reducing the gluten in their diets.  Some are doing this because they have a confirmed diagnosis of Celiac disease, some are gluten sensitive, and others are finding that...

Back to School: How to make it a Great Year

Whether you are a student or the parent of a student, you likely have one thing on your mind as the new school year begins:  academic performance.  From kindergarteners to graduate level college students, concentration and learning are critical and directly...

Why You Need a Personal Trainer or Coach

There’s a reason why celebrities and other highly successful people use coaches and trainers:  IT WORKS.  And that is why so many people are turning to personal trainers to help them move from mediocre to excellence in their pursuit of health, fitness and...

What do Insulin Resistance and Summer Have in Common?

Plenty, it turns out, and it has everything to do with what you’re eating this summer.  Even though summer brings with it an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, making it easier to eat healthily, it also brings added risks. What could taste better during...