What You Need to Know About Adrenal Fatigue

Chances are you have heard of adrenal fatigue, but you may not be quite sure what it is.  Understanding this condition is important however, because some experts suggest that 80% of the Western world will be affected by adrenal fatigue at some point in their...

Power Over Habit: Why Mindset Matters

If you have ever tried to ignore a box of doughnuts at work, you know how hard it is to keep your hands to yourself and walk on by.  And once you walk on by, the battle isn’t over.  Even if you are in a different room and down the hall, you can’t stop...

Relax and Lose Weight

Want to get healthy and lose weight?  Then relax.  It’s true.  Relaxing is good for you, and what better day to brush up on relaxation facts than on Relaxation Day!  August 15th is a relaxation holiday.  So relax and read on for tips! The role...