I agree to adhere to the terms and conditions, rules and regulations set forth by Shipston Personal Training LTD, Marc Edwards and/or the class leader. I also understand that I will be solely responsible for my own safety & welfare whilst using these sessions and subsequently, the safety and welfare of anybody accompanying me whilst I train.
I also agree that I have completed the training PARQ found by clicking the link below (or copying it and pasting it into a web browser):
Workout Disclaimer:
I am aware of my own health and physical condition, and having knowledge that my participation in any exercise program may be injurious to my health. I am voluntarily participating in physical activity.
Having such knowledge, I hereby acknowledge this release, any representatives**, agents and successors from liability for accidental injury or illness which I may incur as a result of participating in the said physical activity. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith and consent to participate in said program.
I am aware of my own health and physical condition, and having knowledge that my participation in any exercise program may be injurious to my health, I am voluntarily participating in a physical activity.
Having such knowledge, I hereby acknowledge this release, any representatives**, agents and successors from liability for accidental injury or illness which I may incur as a result of participating in the said physical activity. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith and consent to participate in said program.
**Including but not limited to; Shipston Personal Training LTD, Marc Edwards / Marc Edwards Fitness / K5 Health and Fitness / Universal Training Academy / Universal Training / Universal Fitness Training / Universal Martial Arts Training / Universal Personal Training / K500 Kickboxing / PTSOS / Shipston Personal Training / Sugarswell Fitness.
The boring but necessary small print:
Shipston Personal Training LTD and Representatives means anybody delivering a personal training session / fitness class in association with or on behalf of Shipston Personal Training LTD or Marc Edwards, in person or online.
By taking part in our sessions, you’re confirming the following:
I am aware of my own health and physical condition, and having knowledge that my participation in any exercise program may be injurious to my health, I am voluntarily participating in a physical activity. Having such knowledge, I hereby acknowledge this release, any representatives, agents and successors from liability for accidental injury or illness which I may incur as a result of participating in the said physical activity. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith and consent to participate in said program.
The safety and security of our clients and staff are our top priorities. Please be advised that our fitness studios are equipped with CCTV cameras. These cameras are installed to enhance the safety of all users and to protect our property.
We strictly adhere to all relevant data protection laws, ensuring that all recorded footage is handled with the utmost confidentiality and stored securely. Access to this footage is limited to authorised personnel only and is used solely for safety and security purposes.
Please do not switch them off or reposition them.
Covid 19 Consent Stuff:
I understand that the novel coronavirus causes the disease known as COVID-19. I understand the novel coronavirus has a long incubation period during which the carriers of the virus may not show not show the symptoms and may still be contagious.
I understand that physical distancing of 2 meters may not be possible while in the studio.
I confirm that I am not currently positive for novel coronavirus.
I confirm that I am not waiting for the results of a laboratory test for the novel coronavirus.
I verify that I have not returned to the UK from any country outside of the UK, whether by car, air, bus or train in the past 14 days.
I verify that I have not been identified as a contact of someone who has test positive for the novel coronavirus or been asked to self-isolate by The Department of Health, or any other government agency.
I confirm that I am not presenting with any of the following symptoms of COVID-19;
Fever > 38C, or 100F, chills or body aches
Sore Throat
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
Flu-like symptoms
Runny Nose
Loss of smell or taste
I understand that I may be unable to proceed with services if they are deemed unsafe to myself or a staff member
I understand I may only bring one other person into the studio with me, during the duration of the session.
I understand the staff of Shipston Personal Training will do everything possible to minimise the spread of COVID – 19, but will not hold them responsible should I contract the COVID – 19.
I will immediately notify the trainer if I contract the virus within two weeks following my visit (If in person).
If you are working out solo and have hired the space to do so, you’re agreeing to only perform the workout that your trainer has set. If you deviate from this, YOU WILL NOT BE INSURED and will be 100% responsible for your safety whilst working out in the studio unsupervised.
Last but not least. You’re agreeing to the terms set out by Shipston Personal Training LTD regarding to fees. You will pay the fee for the use of the studio, or the class you’re attending in question and ALL FEES ARE NON REFUNDABLE. If you don’t show up, no refund, if you cancel within the timeframe in our terms, no refund, if you get a phone call and have to leave the class, no refund. Just so that you’re aware, we don’t offer refunds.